Encrypted DNS

DNS Encryption

Encrypt DNS traffic

Recently, I have been setting up VPN connection and during network sniffing with Wireshark I found out that all my DNS request are plain text, so there is a room to potentially see all my DNS request. What it effectively means is that a third party can observe my internet connection and see which pages I visit. To be precise, just the addresses, not the content, so it is not that much of a vulnerability, but still…

So I googled how to encrypt DNS traffic, the first thing that popped up was Cloudflare’s They introduced to me the concept of DNS over TLS (DoT) and DNS over HTTPS.

It turns out that you can easily encrypt you DNS traffic on Android phones and inside your Web Browser.



  1. Go to Settings > Network & internet.
  2. Select Advanced > Private DNS.
  3. Select the Private DNS provider hostname option.
  4. Enter one.one.one.one or 1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com and press Save.

Linux (almost the same for other OS)

  1. Go to Show Applications > Settings > Network.

  2. Select the adapter you want to configure — like your Ethernet adapter or WiFi card — and select the Settings button.

  3. On the IPv4 tab > DNS section, disable the Automatic toggle.

  4. Set DNS resolvers to
  5. Go to IPv6.

  6. Set DNS resolvers to

  7. Select Apply.


  1. Select the menu button > Settings.
  2. In the General menu, scroll down to access Network Settings.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select Enable DNS over HTTPS. By default, it resolves to Cloudflare DNS.


To find out whether you set it up correctly visit

Final remarks

Encrypting your DNS traffic is a pretty new concept, the standards have not been well established yet. I will definitely put more thought and do more research on it in the future. For now I will settle with trusting Cloudflare… Future will tell whether it was a good choice.


Setting your DNS server manually is a responsible task and I do not take responsibility for any potential misconfigurations. Do it at your own risk!